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Rates Rentals
Locker Rentals

for 2024 Season 

as low as

Wizzy has upgraded our lockers to electronic, self-service smart lockers for this year. Enjoy the convenience of our new digital system, eliminating the need to hold onto a key throughout the day.

Tube Rentals

Single Tube Rentals


Plus a $5 refundable deposit with tube wristband receipt.

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Life Jackets


Plus a $10 refundable deposit with life jacket return.

Tube Rentals

Double Tube Rentals


Plus a $5 refundable deposit with tube wristband receipt.

resized life jacket image 1

infant Life Jackets


With a $15 refundable deposit with life jacket return.

Group 17


  1. Life jackets are required for those under 48 inches.
  2. Personal Coast Guard approved life jackets or puddle jumpers are allowed.
  3. Absolutely no inflatable life jackets or armbands.
  4. No pool toys, squirt guns or floaties of any kind.
  5. We gladly accept all major credit cards.